普通科   >    > 
周鶴平醫生 (Dr Chau Hok Ping)


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服務  質素  價錢  ($200) [檢舉此意見]
2016-02-06 08:49:58       Guest (Franky)

服務  質素  價錢  [檢舉此意見]
He takes client-centred ways to interact with patients. He is polite and is willinging to spend time to answer the patients' questions. He is the best among all the doctors I met. My realtives rank him the highest too.
2010-10-09 08:10:25       Guest (Frank)

服務  質素  價錢  [檢舉此意見]
He has patience. He explains very well which lets me understand what is going on.
2010-07-25 22:54:54       BigMak
